The Curotis device derived tissue capsule provides an autologous collagen type I and III-based encasement to facilitate nerve repair
“The Curotis tissue capsule may just help restore congenital defects”
– Prof neurology
Currently no satisfactory options to replace the urethra or ureter
The CuroTis device’s derived tissue comprises a strong autologous collagen tube, grown in the shape and location where needed
The contractile properties of the this tissue makes it uniquely placed to replace the ureter
“I sometimes operate on children for hours and still the results are not great”
– Urologist
The tissue derived from the CuroTis device provides an autologous sheet with active fibroblasts that migrate into the tendon
It is grown in the sub cutaneous space and autotransplanted to the tendon needing repair
“The ligaments are often to damaged to reattach and CuroTis offers an intriguing way to infuse those with fibroblasts”– Orthopedic surgeon
Peripheral arterial occlusive diseases are a major problem in the Western World
The CuroTis device provides a 100% body own solution – regrow a new artery in the body at the location where it is needed
The CuroTis device generates a solid collagen and body own tissue, that is alive with a microvasculature, rich in fibroblasts, and grown at the location where it is needed, making it ideally placed for reconstruction following breast cancer surgery or general plastic surgery
“With improved survival rates the reconstruction becomes more important and Curotis is a real breakthrough”
– Oncology surgeon